Q: What is “Mind Body Medicine”?
A: Mind Body Medicine refers to the interaction between the physical, mental, emotional & energetic dimensions of the human being and how they can influence our overall health and wellbeing.
I primarily work with the mind and emotions and how they are creating disease and discomfort in the body. Around 70% of dis-ease originates from negative patterns in the subconscious mind and from various emotions, like guilt, anger, and resentment that get “stuck'“ in the body.
When the negative patterns in the subconscious mind are cleaned out and the emotions are “released”, the body tends to heal itself and the mind becomes calmer and quieter.
Q: Can I just follow vides on YouTube and do it myself instead of doing private 1-on-1 sessions?
A: Yes, you can! And, it will indeed give some benefit. However, every persons nervous system has been wired up uniquely (from a young age) and therefore has a unique "response" to various emotional and psychological triggers. Therefore, to get into the deepest aspects of your unique emotional or psychological triggers, working with a trained and experienced therapist will speed up your healing process dramatically.
What could take you months or even years of self work, a trained and experienced therapist could potentially help you clear it in just a few hours.
Q: What if I just meditated a lot, would that help?
Yes, it would. Especially meditation techniques like Vipassana which means "to observe". Meditation works in a similar way because it helps to re-wire and re-train the nervous and energy systems of the body so that we no longer impulsively react to emotional and psychological triggers.
However, it usually takes weeks, months or even years of focused meditation practice (with the right teachers) to get to a level where you are cleaning out many of the deepest triggers in your system. EFT and the “letting go” technique can get you there in a matter of hours, or even minutes.
Q: Why aren't you offering acupuncture? Would acupuncture help me?
A: To be honest, I have come to find that EFT and “letting go” works better and faster than acupuncture, especially in the field of emotional and psychological issues.
For many years, this was hard for me to admit because I spent over four years and a lot of money to study and practice acupuncture and Chinese medicine. However, I also realise that all the acupuncture training has, and does help me in understanding how to apply EFT and other therapies like yoga.