Free EFT Tapping Script & Affirmations for Healing the Body

If you're looking for a simple and effective way to support your body's healing process, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping can be a powerful tool. This free EFT tapping script will help you release physical and emotional blockages, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

How EFT Tapping Supports Healing

EFT Tapping is a mind-body technique that involves gently tapping on specific meridian points while focusing on an issue or affirmation. Research suggests that EFT can help lower stress levels, regulate the nervous system, and support the body's natural ability to heal.

When we experience chronic pain, illness, or discomfort, there is often an emotional or energetic component involved. Tapping helps to clear those blockages and restore balance, creating an environment where healing can take place more effectively.

EFT Tapping Script for Healing the Body

Step 1: Identify Your Healing Intention

Before you begin tapping, take a deep breath and tune into your body. Notice any areas of discomfort, tension, or pain. Rate the intensity on a scale from 0 to 10. Set the intention to support your body's healing process.

Step 2: The Setup Statement (Side of the Hand)

(Repeat three times while tapping on the side of the hand.)

"Even though I feel this pain/discomfort in my body, I deeply and completely accept myself."

"Even though my body is struggling with [name the issue], I choose to send love and healing energy to myself."

"Even though I feel frustrated with my body, I choose to trust in its ability to heal."

Step 3: The Tapping Sequence

(Tap approximately 5-7 times on each point while saying the phrases aloud.)

Eyebrow: "This discomfort in my body..."

Side of Eye: "I feel stuck and frustrated..."

Under Eye: "My body is trying to tell me something..."

Under Nose: "I release any resistance to healing..."

Chin: "I send love and support to my body..."

Collarbone: "My body knows how to heal itself..."

Under Arm: "I release stress and allow healing to flow..."

Top of Head: "I am open to feeling better and stronger."

(Tap through the points again while saying positive affirmations.)

Eyebrow: "I am grateful for my body’s wisdom."

Side of Eye: "Every cell in my body is healing."

Under Eye: "I trust my body’s ability to recover."

Under Nose: "I send love to every part of me."

Chin: "I am strong, resilient, and healing."

Collarbone: "I choose to nourish my body with love and care."

Under Arm: "I am open to deep healing and restoration."

Top of Head: "I am whole, vibrant, and at peace."

Healing Affirmations to Use Daily

You can repeat these affirmations throughout the day to reinforce the healing process:

  • "I am safe, supported, and deeply loved."

  • "My body is strong, resilient, and capable of healing."

  • "I release any resistance to health and wellness."

  • "Every breath I take fills me with healing energy."

  • "I choose to feel calm, balanced, and at ease."

  • "My body is in perfect harmony with the universe."

Final Thoughts

Healing is a journey, and EFT tapping can be a supportive tool along the way. Practice this tapping script daily or whenever you feel discomfort. The more consistent you are, the more you’ll notice shifts in your body and overall well-being.
If you want to dive deeper into EFT Tapping, check out my specialised workshops, where I cover subjects like trauma, headaches, autoimmune disorders and more.
Also, check out my latest Internationally Accredited EFT Practitioner training program.

If you found this helpful, consider exploring more EFT techniques to deepen your healing journey. Your body is always working in your favor—trust the process and keep tapping!

Would you like more personalized EFT scripts for specific health concerns? Let me know in the comments!


Michael Hetherington

The Taoist Tapper


How to Make Time for EFT Tapping (and everything else that matters)


Decoding the Science: The Magic of Clinical EFT Tapping