Money EQ vs Money IQ

Did you know that there are 2 parts to money and wealth?

There is the technical information and data crunching part of it. That's all the talk about stocks, bonds, investments and the rest of it.

We could call that money IQ.

Then there is the emotional way we deal and respond to money related decisions. That’s all the feelings, memories and belief systems we picked up from our parents about money.

We could call our money EQ.

Most of us are focused on the IQ of money, and thats great, but what about your EQ of money?

If thinking, discussing or working with money triggers any intense or overwhelming feelings of anger, worry, guilt or anxiety then its likely…. your money EQ needs some attention and healing.

“Most poor financial decisions are made because of or emotions, not because we lack technical information.”

~ Ken Honda (Japanese millionaire)

Your relationship with money is just like any other relationship.

If you want to improve it, and make it better, you first have to commit some time and energy to find out what’s not working, and then start clearing out the patterns and conditioning which is getting in the way.

If you don’t take the any time to honestly look at and improve your relationship with your child or wife or husband or lover, what do you think will happen?

Probably, not a pretty sight, right?

So, where will you be emotional, psychologically and financially in 1 year or 5 years or even 10 years..... if you continue down the same path you are now without giving it any real emotional attention?

What if you relationship with money doesn’t improve?

What does your future self look like if nothing really improved?

Broke, bitter, lonely & unhealthy?

Well, this is your chance to turn that around.

Check out The Ultimate Tapping into Money EFT Pack because members learn how to re-regulate their nervous and energy system, which in turn, calms our emotions towards subjects like money and wealth.

When our emotions and energy system are calmed, the brain and overall system tend to work at higher levels.

Which basically means one is able to make better decisions, have more patience and live a more psychologically stable and happy life in general.

>> CLICK HERE to learn more about the Money EFT Pack.


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